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Rany Agnes
Ga takut zonk deh pokoknya bener bener diluar ekspetasi. Pasti teman2 kalau trip nyarinya guide yg asik, informatif, sabar, tau tempat2 yg gokil, dan paling penting ga hanya bisa dokumentasi tapi bisa bikin dokumentasinya keren. Nih dia TripInpenida juaraanyaaa. Bukan hanya sekedar review tapi tapi se happy itu jujurly woii
Disubmit pada: August 17, 2023
DenpasarRATING 5/5
Wish me luck.... Blm pernah jalan" sama keluarga ke nusa penida semoga GA yg di adakan sma Trip in Penida bisa menang trus bsa ajak jalan" suami dan anak ksna... bener" pengen ngeliat pemandangan indah disana.... Ig : kembariati_dewi94
Disubmit pada: August 16, 2023
Revlita Rosadi
JakartaRATING 5/5
The driver from trip in penida in Nusa Penida was waiting for us on the island and he was very friendly and tried his best to make us comfortable during the trip and he was also a good tour guide, with his local knowledge. Overall, we were very happy with our Nusa Penid trip and the price was very reasonable. Thank you for the Service of the team from Trip in Penida
Disubmit pada: June 16, 2023
Albian Marie Maruf
JakartaRATING 5/5
The driver at Nusa Penida was waiting for us on the island and he was very friendly and tried his best to make us comfortable and he is also a good tour guide, with his local knowledge. Overall, we were happy with our trip there and the price was very reasonable. Thanks for Service our team at Nusa Penida
Disubmit pada: July 25, 2022
Deva Setiawan
BaliRATING 5/5
Liburan bareng trip in penida apalagi dapat guide nya bLi Deva, seru banget dan totalitas dari dokumentasi foto dan video keren semua. Terima kasih Trip in Penida
Disubmit pada: July 23, 2022